It's sad that it took me this long to come to this realization, but starting tomorrow does not work, at all, for anything.
The interesting part is that starting now does not work either. The entire mindset associated with making an abrupt transition from a bad state to a good state is the problem. Typically, the good state is unsustainable and you eventually end up back in the bad state again, where you tell yourself that at time t you will make another abrupt transition to the good state, which is unsustainable, so you end up in the bad state again, and so on.
The only solution that I've found is to try to be in a state that is not so bad that you have to make empty promises to yourself to transition out of it, and not so good that you can't keep it up.
Another reason not to make an abrupt transition from the bad state to the good state at some future time t is that this encourages you to get in all the damage you can before time t. And since you keep reverting back to the bad state, you can end up doing a lot of damage this way.